I've recently discovered Goodreads and as a reader I find it a very interesting site. You can keep count of the books that you've read, the ones that you want to read and share with your friends your opinions on them and also get recommendations. I might be getting to know this site a little late, but I'm loving it so far and I check it at least once a day. If you like, you can friend me there. ;)
In other news that get to me late, I've JUST found out that Buenos Aires is the World Book Capital for 2011. I can only blame the city's goverment for this... it's a completely underestimated fact! But this doesn't come as a suprise, I'm not ashamed to say that I think that the city goverment sucks. The most important things to be taken care of such as education and health are forgotten... don't even ask me were all of our money goes. I'm tired of politicians stealing our money. I'm not about to make this entry a political entry, it's not what this blog is about. I'd just like to be proud of having my city as the World Book Capital and knowing that the goverment is doing something about it.
Anyway, in the spirit of booklovin' I'll end the post recommending you a book of one of my favorite writers. The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami.
Telling what this book is about is a little hard, because, like all of Murakami's books, there are a lot of paralel stories and characters to follow. So I'll just say that it's a book that changed my life and that I felt sorry it was over when I finished it.
Have a great weekend!
Hey there, you should friend me on goodreads! Always love new book recommendations. Here's a link to my profile: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/708965-sarah