30 marzo 2011

I'm back

I've just realized that I left this poor blog unattended. I went on my vacations and forgot to tell you about it... I hope that you understand, there was a lot going on. But the important thing is that I'm back and that I had a wonderful time. I'll share some photos with you soon. ;)

15 marzo 2011

Mad Men Barbie & Ken

Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post, I feel much better now. If you read my blog regularly, you'll know by now that I'm a huge Mad Men fan. So when I saw this I had to tell you about it. There's a special version of Barbie and Ken, styled as some of the Mad Men characters (want!).

09 marzo 2011

Anxiety and panic attacks

I haven't been felling well lately. That's the main reason why I stopped posting on the blog. My last post was about felling happy and celebrating a new phase on my life, but my mind sabotaged me. I'm not confortable talking about bad things here, because that's not why I've created a blog. It's important to me to share happy thoughts and nice things, as well as the blogs I read try to do. So why ruin the blogosphere with something that isn't nice?

But then I read this post and everything changed. I'm not alone in this. And I'm sure that many of you out there suffer the same. Anxiety. Such a tiny word for a huge ghost. Since last year I've been suffering anxiety and panic attacks. Feeling trapped in a horrible job, feeling awful in the subway, wanting to get away and just run away. I did therapy and overcome it, but then after a while it all appeared again. And that's when I've decided to finally quit.

February 28th was my last day and since then, I've had my ups and downs. Having all this free time in my hands was suddenly too scary. I'll go back to therapy of course, since there must be something more deep that provokes my anxiety. But I guess that admiting that I need help is the first step (ha, this sounds like I should go to AA or something :P). I also think that talking about it makes the ghost go away. So there it is, I've said it and I feel better already. And for everyone that feels the same out there, you're not alone. It might be scary, but like my yoga teacher told me last week "No one dies of panic attacks". This thing wont beat me, for sure, it'll only make me stronger.

02 marzo 2011

The first day of the rest of my life

It's a cliche phrase, but that's how I felt on March 1st. Due to an awesome event, I'm beggining a new phase in my life and I hope that it'll be a super cool one, better than the past few months. I don't want to get too personal and rant about bad things, it's not the idea of this post or the blog in general. I just want to share happiness and good wishes and nice things. So, I'm trying to live the days to come at its fullest and just enjoy.

I'll share more on this later, in the meantime, a goodbye to Jane Russell.