20 enero 2011

Design + editing

When I first started blogging, I had all my blogs hosted on Wordpress, so this is my first time using Blogger and I have to admit that I still don't get a lot of the things that I can do. For example, on my previous post, I tried to add a link to a Youtube video, but it doesn't seem to be working. Any tips?

Also, I've uploaded a different design for the blog, but I can't seem to view it properly on Mozilla (it seems to work fine in Explorer). Grr! These kind of things take some time until you understand them, I'll have to be patient, but if someone could give me some advise, it would be awesome.

Thanks in advance!

Update: I've just discovered by myself how to add a youtube video, yay me!

2 comentarios:

  1. Today I can change almost all the layout characteristics by my own because since I also had blogs maybe since I was 15 years old, even if I stayed a lot of years without one. I never liked those layouts we find around and everyone can have the same, I think if we want a blog to be unique we need to give it our mark, and I love to change my own. I discover pretty much everything about blogger layouts by trying and trying. If you are not secure you can save your previous layout in a note (don't use microsoft word because it doesn't accept some things and will change it or delete it and the you layout will be damaged) and then try as much as you want, you can see the check how it is before to save and plus there are a lot of info around, you can put anything you want to know in google and find answers. You will sew how easy it is.

    Welcome again! Do you still remember my blog? It still exists ^^


  2. Thanks Jojo! I've been playing with the design, but I'm not happy with the results yet, so until I figure out how to do it the way I want to, I'll just leave one of the default layouts. I do remember your blog! I still read it with the Google Reader. ;)


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